The Games Machine 76
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones.exe
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Text File
714 lines
# Jones 3D Cog Script
# nub_h2oswitch2.cog
# [TL] [GGJ] [RT]
# (C) 1999 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved
# ===================================================================
message startup
message arrived
message activated
message entered
message taken
message timer
# ***** COGS ********************************************************
cog lightningcog # Cog which controls the lightning strikes.
# ***** LINKED GEOMETRY *********************************************
sector trigger
sector twater0 linkID=1 # Top water sectors.
sector twater1 linkID=1
sector twater2 linkID=1
sector twater3 linkID=1
sector twater4 linkID=1
sector twater5 linkID=1
sector twater6 linkID=1
sector twater7 linkID=1
surface killSurf0 linkID=2
surface killSurf1 linkID=2
surface killSurf2 linkID=2
surface killSurf3 linkID=2
surface killSurf4 linkID=2
surface killSurf5 linkID=2
surface killSurf6 linkID=2
surface killSurf7 linkID=2
surface killSurf8 linkID=2
surface killSurf9 linkID=2
# ***** NO LINK GEOMETRY ********************************************
sector currentSector local
sector bwater0 nolink # Bottom water sectors.
sector bwater1 nolink
sector bwater2 nolink
sector bwater3 nolink
sector ptsec0 nolink
sector ptsec1 nolink
sector ptsec2 nolink
sector pbsec0 nolink
sector pbsec1 nolink
sector pbsec2 nolink
surface surface0a nolink # Top water surface adjoins.
surface surface0b nolink
surface surface0c nolink
surface surface0d nolink
surface surface0e nolink
surface surface0f nolink
surface surface0g nolink
surface surface0h nolink
surface surface0i nolink
surface surface1a nolink # Middle water surface adjoins.
surface surface1b nolink
surface surface1c nolink
surface surface1d nolink
surface surface1e nolink
surface surface1f nolink
surface surface1g nolink
surface surface1h nolink
# ***** LINKED THINGS ***********************************************
thing switchA linkID=3 # Controls A paddles
thing switchB linkID=3 # Controls B paddles
thing paddleAtop linkID=4
thing paddleAbottom linkID=4
thing paddleBtop linkID=4
thing paddleBbottom linkID=4
thing h2o linkID=5 # Water surface 3do
thing IMP4
# ***** NO LINK THINGS **********************************************
thing camera0 nolink
thing camera1 nolink
thing drainWater0 nolink
thing drainWater1 nolink
thing drainWater2 nolink
thing origin0 nolink
thing origin1 nolink
thing origin2 nolink
thing origin3 nolink
thing paddleTarget nolink
thing spicket nolink
thing targetArray00 nolink
thing targetArray01 nolink
thing targetArray02 nolink
thing targetArray10 nolink
thing targetArray11 nolink
thing targetArray12 nolink
thing targetArray20 nolink
thing targetArray21 nolink
thing targetArray22 nolink
thing targetArray30 nolink
thing targetArray31 nolink
thing targetArray32 nolink
# ***** LOCAL THINGS ************************************************
thing player local
thing sender local
thing target local
# ***** MATERIALS ***************************************************
material electroMat=nub_a_plate_electric.mat local
material lightningmat0=aet_4sfx_lightning_v2_a.mat local
material lightningmat1=aet_4sfx_lightning_v2_b.mat local
material lightningmat2=aet_4sfx_lightning_v2_c.mat local
material lightningmat3=aet_4sfx_lightning_v2_d.mat local
material lightningmat4=aet_4sfx_lightning_v2_e.mat local
# ***** SOUNDS ******************************************************
sound strike0=aet_lightning_01.wav local
sound strike1=aet_lightning_02.wav local
sound strike2=aet_lightning_03.wav local
sound strike3=aet_lightning_04.wav local
sound drainSnd=riv_rapid_cave_a.wav local
sound fillSnd=riv_rapid_cave2_a.wav local
sound buttonSnd=gen_stonebutt_push_c.wav local
# ***** BOOLS *******************************************************
int disabled=0 local
int firstEnter=0 local
int lightning=0 local
int toggle=0 local
int waterMoving=0 local
# ***** MISC. LOCAL VARIABLES ***************************************
int originIndex local
int drainTrack=-1 local
int open=1 local
int closed=0 local
int index local
int count local
int senderID local
int padAState=0 local
int padBState=0 local
int waterLevel=2 local # 0 = empty, 1 = mid level, 2 = full
int curPaddle local
int curSwitch local
int curFrame local
int randInt local
flex countdown=0.75 local # Speed of water draining or filling.
vector veclight local
vector lesslight local
# ***** SUBROUTINES *************************************************
flex ShowPaddles local
flex PaddleCheck local
flex StopLightning local
# ===================================================================
player = GetLocalPlayerThing();
# Initialize variables
veclight = VectorSet(0, 0.2, 0.8);
lesslight = VectorSet(0, 0.1, 0.5);
# Do stuff
for (index = 0; index < 8; index = index + 1)
SetSectorLight(twater0[index], veclight, 5); # top sector light on
SetFaceGeoMode(surface1a[index], 0); # mid level adjoins off
for (index = 0; index < 4; index = index + 1)
SetThingLight(paddleAtop[index], '1.0 1.0 1.0', 0.01, 1.0); # paddle lights on
SetSectorLight(bwater0[index], veclight, 5); # bottom water sector light on
for (index = 0; index < 3; index = index + 1)
SetThingLight(drainWater0[index], '0.8 0.8 0.8', 0.01, 1.0); # drain lights on
for (index = 0; index < 2; index = index + 1)
SetThingLight(switchA[index], '1.0 1.0 1.0', 0.01, 1.0); # switch lights on
SetSectorLight(ptsec0[index], veclight, 5); # top paddle sector light on
SetSectorLight(pbsec0[index], veclight, 5); # bottom paddle sector light on
SetSectorlight(ptsec2, lesslight, 5);
SetSectorlight(pbsec2, lesslight, 5);
# Hide water 3DOs
SetCollideType(h2o, 0);
SetThingFlags(h2o, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(drainwater1, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(drainwater2, 0x80000);
# Start sounds
PlaySoundThing(fillSnd, spicket, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x881);
drainTrack = PlaySoundThing(drainSnd, drainWater0, 0.7, 1.0, 20.0, 0x881);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (disabled) return;
if (waterMoving) return;
# Check switches
if (GetSenderID() != 3) return;
sender = GetSenderRef();
if (sender == switchA)
if (padAState < 2)
curPaddle = 0 ;
curPaddle = 1;
call ShowPaddles;
padAState = padAState + 1;
if (padAState > 3)
padAState = 0 ;
else if (sender == switchB)
if (padBState < 2)
curPaddle = 3;
curPaddle = 2;
call ShowPaddles;
padBState = padBState + 1;
if (padBState > 3)
padBState = 0 ;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (MakeMeStop() == -1) return;
PlayMode(player, 60, 0);
curSwitch = curPaddle / 2;
MoveToFrame(switchA[curSwitch], 1, 0.5);
PlaySoundThing(buttonSnd, switchA[curSwitch], 1.0, -1, -1, 0x880);
SetCameraFocus(2, camera1);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, paddletarget);
SetCameraFOV(120, 0, 0.0);
MoveToFrame(paddleAtop[curPaddle], 1 - GetCurFrame(paddleAtop[curPaddle]), 0.5);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
senderID = GetSenderID();
# Check paddles
if (senderID == 4)
call PaddleCheck;
ResetCameraFOV(0, 0.0);
if (!waterMoving)
PlaySoundThing(buttonSnd, switchA[curSwitch], 1.0, -1, -1, 0x880);
MoveToFrame(switchA[curSwitch], 0, 1.0);
ClearActorFlags(player, 0x200000);
sender = GetSenderRef();
curFrame = GetCurFrame(sender);
# Check water
if (senderID == 5)
waterMoving = 0;
# Fade old drain sound & start the new one
if (drainTrack != -1)
StopSound(drainTrack, 0.0);
drainTrack = PlaySoundThing(drainSnd, drainWater0[curFrame], 0.7, 1.0, 20.0, 0x881);
PlaySoundThing(buttonSnd, switchA[curSwitch], 1.0, -1, -1, 0x880);
MoveToFrame(switchA[curSwitch], 0, 1.0);
if (curFrame == 0) # Top level
# Print("Water arrived at top");
SendMessage(lightningcog, user1);
SetThingFlags(h2o, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(drainWater1, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(drainWater2, 0x80000);
ClearThingFlags(drainWater0, 0x80000);
# Turn on adjoins and sectors
for (index = 0; index < 8; index = index + 1)
SetFaceGeoMode(surface0a[index], 4);
SetSectorFlags(twater0[index], 0x2);
SetFaceGeoMode(surface0i, 4); # One extra...
else if (curFrame == 1) # Middle level
# Print("Water arrived at middle");
SetThingFlags(h2o, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(drainWater0, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(drainWater2, 0x80000);
ClearThingFlags(drainWater1, 0x80000);
for (index = 0; index < 8; index = index + 1)
SetFaceGeoMode(surface1a[index], 4); #middle water level adjoins on
else# if (curFrame == 2) # Bottom level
# Print("Water arrived at bottom");
SetThingFlags(drainWater0, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(drainWater1, 0x80000);
ClearThingFlags(drainWater2, 0x80000);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (GetSourceRef() != player) return;
senderID = GetSenderID();
sender = GetSenderRef();
# If player enters pool while it's full, kill him
if (senderID == 1)
if (waterLevel != 2) return;
DamageThing(player, 1000, 0x02, 0);
toggle = 1;
# If player falls into pool, kill him
if (senderID == 2)
DamageThing(player, 1000, 0x02, 0);
if (firstEnter != 0) return;
if (sender == trigger)
firstEnter = 1;
lightning = 1;
SetTimer(Rand() * 2.5);
MaterialAnim(electroMat, 3.8, 0x1);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (GetSenderRef() != IMP4) return;
# Once the IMP is taken, everything shuts down.
disabled = 1;
SendMessage(lightningcog, user2);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lightning code
if (toggle == 0)
for (count = 2; count <= RandBetween(2, 5); count = count + 1)
originIndex = RandBetween(0, 3);
randInt = RandBetween(0, 2);
if (originIndex == 0)
target = targetArray00[randInt];
else if (originIndex == 1)
target = targetArray10[randInt];
else if (originIndex == 2)
target = targetArray20[randInt];
else if (originIndex == 3)
target = targetArray30[randInt];
CreatePolylineThing(origin0[originIndex], target, '0 0 0', lightningmat0[RandBetween(0, 4)], 0.1, 0.1, 0.05);
PlaySoundThing(strike0[RandBetween(0, 3)], target, 0.8, 5, 15, 0x80);
currentSector = GetThingSector(player);
randInt = RandBetween(0, 2);
if (currentSector == twater0)
originIndex = 0;
target = targetArray00[randInt];
else if (currentSector == twater1)
originIndex = 1;
target = targetArray10[randInt];
else if (currentSector == twater2)
originIndex = 2;
target = targetArray20[randInt];
else if (currentSector == twater3)
originIndex = 3;
target = targetArray30[randInt];
CreatePolylineThing(origin0[originIndex], player, '0 0 0', lightningmat0[RandBetween(0, 4)], 0.1, 0.1, 0.15);
CreatePolylineThing(player, target, '0 0 0', lightningmat0[RandBetween(0, 4)], 0.1, 0.1, 0.15);
PlaySoundThing(strike0[RandBetween(0, 3)], target, 1.0, 5, 10, 0x80);
if (lightning == 1)
SetTimer(Rand() * 2.5);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (GetCurFrame(paddleAbottom) == 1) # Bottom right is open
if (GetCurFrame(paddleBbottom) == 1) # Bottom left is open
waterMoving = 1;
waterLevel = 0;
SetCameraFocus(2, camera0);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, h2o);
#SetCameraFOV(90, 1, 5.0);
SetCameraFOV(90, 0, 0.0);
for (index = 0; index < 8; index = index + 1)
SetFaceGeoMode(surface0a[index], 0); # surface adjoins off
SetFaceGeoMode(surface1a[index], 0); # mid level adjoins off
ClearSectorFlags(twater0[index], 0x2); # top sectors off
SetSectorLight(twater0[index], '0 0 0', 5); # top sector light off
SetFaceGeoMode(surface0i, 0); # One extra...
for (index = 0; index < 4; index = index + 1)
ClearSectorFlags(bwater0[index], 0x2); # bottom sectors off
SetSectorLight(bwater0[index], '0 0 0', 5); # bottom sector light off
for (index = 0; index < 3; index = index + 1)
SetSectorLight(ptsec0[index], '0 0 0', 5); # top paddle sector light off
SetSectorLight(pbsec0[index], '0 0 0', 5); # bottom paddle sector light off
# Move water to bottom position
ClearThingFlags(h2o, 0x80000);
MoveToFrame(h2o, 2, countdown);
if (drainTrack != -1)
StopSound(drainTrack, 2.0);
drainTrack = PlaySoundThing(drainSnd, h2o, 0.7, 1.0, 18.0, 0x881);
# Stop lightning as water passes
Call StopLightning;
Sleep(12.0); #was 10.0
else if (GetCurFrame(paddleAtop) == 1) # Top right is open
if (GetCurFrame(paddleBtop) == 1) # Top left is open
if (waterLevel == 0) return;
waterMoving = 1;
waterLevel = 1;
SetCameraFocus(2, camera0);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, h2o);
SetCameraFOV(90, 1, 5.0);
for (index = 0; index < 8; index = index + 1)
SetFaceGeoMode(surface0a[index], 0); # surface adjoins off
ClearSectorFlags(twater0[index], 0x2); # top sectors off
SetSectorLight(twater0[index], '0 0 0', 35); # top sector light off
SetFaceGeoMode(surface0i, 0); # One extra...
for (index = 0; index < 4; index = index + 1)
SetSectorFlags(bwater0[index], 0x2); # bottom water sectors on
SetSectorLight(bwater0[index], veclight, 15); # bottom sector light on
for (index = 0; index < 3; index = index + 1)
SetSectorLight(ptsec0[index], '0 0 0', 35); # top paddle sector light off
SetSectorLight(pbsec0, veclight, 15); # bottom paddle sector light on
SetSectorLight(pbsec0, veclight, 15);
SetSectorLight(pbsec0, lesslight, 15);
# Turn on water 3do and move it to center position...
ClearThingFlags(h2o, 0x80000);
MoveToFrame(h2o, 1, countdown);
if (drainTrack != -1)
StopSound(drainTrack, 2.0);
drainTrack = PlaySoundThing(drainSnd, h2o, 0.4, 1.0, 20.0, 0x881);
# Stop lightning as water passes
Call StopLightning;
Sleep(8.5); #was 7.0
# If we made it this far, neither drain is open
if (waterLevel != 2) # water is down, so bring it back up
waterMoving = 1;
waterLevel = 2;
SetCameraFocus(2, camera0);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, h2o);
SetCameraFOV(90, 1, 5.0);
for (index = 0; index < 8; index = index + 1)
SetFaceGeoMode(surface1a[index], 0); # mid level adjoins off
SetSectorFlags(twater0[index], 0x2); # top sectors on
SetSectorLight(twater0[index], veclight, 5); # top sector light on
for (index = 0; index < 4; index = index + 1)
SetSectorFlags(bwater0[index], 0x2); # bottom water sectors on
SetSectorLight(bwater0[index], veclight, 5); # bottom water sector light on
SetSectorlight(pbsec0, veclight, 5); # bottom paddle sector light on
SetSectorlight(pbsec1, veclight, 5);
SetSectorlight(pbsec2, lesslight, 5);
SetSectorlight(ptsec0, veclight, 5); # top paddle sector light on
SetSectorlight(ptsec1, veclight, 5);
SetSectorlight(ptsec2, lesslight, 5);
# ...turn on water 3do and move it to top position...
ClearThingFlags(h2o, 0x80000);
MoveToFrame(h2o, 0, countdown * 1.5);
if (drainTrack != -1)
StopSound(drainTrack, 2.0);
# Restart lightning as water passes
if (GetCurFrame(h2o) == 2)
drainTrack = PlaySoundThing(drainSnd, h2o, 0.7, 1.0, 30.0, 0x881);
drainTrack = PlaySoundThing(drainSnd, h2o, 0.5, 0.1, 20.0, 0x881);
# Print("Starting mat track");
MaterialAnim(electroMat, 3.8, 0x1);
SetTimer(Rand() * 2.5);
Sleep(2.5); #was 1.0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
lightning = 0;
#Print("Stopping mat track");
StopMaterialAnim(electroMat); # stop animating surfaces
SetMaterialCel(electroMat, 0); # reset cel
SendMessage(lightningcog, user0);